The European Gravitational Observatory (EGO), located in the countryside near Pisa (Italy), is the institutional home of the Virgo experiment: the only gravitational waves detector in Europe and one of four in the world. EGO is a consortium created in 2000 by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). In 2022, the Dutch National Institute of Subatomic Physics (Nikhef), has also joined EGO as an associated member. More than 800 scientists from 15 countries contribute to the operation and maintenance of the Virgo gravitational waves detector (Virgo Scientific Collaboration) and collaborate on high-level scientific research. EGO promotes the cooperation in the field of experimental and theoretical gravitational wave research and the involvement of citizens in science. It is also engaged in communication and outreach activities and in the organization of events and exhibitions for the general public.

Role in the project

EGO leads WP3-European Researchers’ Night and actively contribute to WP2-Equity, Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion and WP4- Researchers at Schools. During the project, EGO will host on-site and remote visits to the Virgo interferometer and contribute to the awareness campaign through a mobile van travelling to reach remote locations in Italy and possibly abroad.