Faire de la recherche en astrophysique (Researching in Astrophyiscs)

Country City/Region: Guyancourt, Trappes, Trappes, Bussy-Sait-Georges, Bussy-Sait-Georges, France
Start-End Date: 21/11/2024, 02/12/2024, 04/12/2024, 10/12/2014, 24/01/2025
Organizing Institute: PCCP (CNRS/UPC)
Number of participants: 30, 15, 15, 30
A 1-hour presentation was given to 10th graders about what astrophysics is, what the different jobs imply and the different pathways to a carrer in science. Dark Matter and Black Holes were also presented as exemples of subjet matter, as well as an overview of the specific research carried out by the facilitator.