Terms of Use

Terms of Use 

These Terms of Use are applicable to all users of this website (“Website“). Users should read, understand and accept these Terms when creating an account on the Website or using any of the services provided via this Website. If a given user has not done this, or does not agree with the contents of these Terms of Use, that user should not create an account on the Website and should not make use of any of the services provided via this Website.

By accepting these Terms of Use, upon creation of an account on the Website, the user enters into an agreement with Trust-IT Services, with registered offices at Trust-IT Services srl, with registered offices in Via Francesco Redi 10, 56124, Pisa – VAT no. and Fiscal Code IT01870130505 (“Trust-IT Services”), made up by the contents of these Terms, in order to regulate the user’s access and use of the Website. Users which accept these Terms of Use hereby represent and warrant that:

They accept to be bound by these Terms of Use, as registered Website users – either individually, or in representation of an organisation;

They are at least 18 years old;

They are capable, under the terms of the law applicable to them, to be legally bound by and comply with these Terms of Use – in particular, whenever a user creates an account as a representative of an organisation, that user warrants to have been expressly and validly authorised by that organisation to do so, or to otherwise be a legitimate representative of that organisation under the applicable law;

Their use of the Website will be carried out in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

In the event of doubts concerning the Terms of Use, Trust-IT Services may be contacted at: info@picoproject.eu.

For information on the processing of personal data on users which is carried out via the Website, please see the /privacy-policy

1. Services provided via the Website

Access to services provided via the Website (“Services“) is, in part, restricted to registered users – i.e., users with a registered Website account – although some Services are open to all Website users. The creation of an account and access to the Website is generally free of charge; however, as described below, certain Services may be subject to payment.

– Newsletters and communications

The Trust-IT Services will include members of PICO Project within specific mailing lists, to ensure that those members are kept updated regarding important news and events related to the Website’s scope, by sending out informative newsletters and other communications to registered users (unless they opt-out of this).

– Events

PICO Project may organise meetings for its community of registered users, which take place in different places around Europe and beyond, seeking to bring together a unique community of research data practitioners and industry and policy stakeholders to pursue the specific objectives of PICO Project. Via the Website, registered users are able to sign-up to attend events and webinars for free or at a cost (paid via an external payment processor).

More information on Events is available at: /events

– User support

Any questions concerning PICO Project’s activities in general can be addressed to PICO Project via the General Enquiry Form, available at: /contact-us

Registered users can address questions specifically referring to the operation and use of the Website by writing an email to info@picoproject.eu

Users of the Website may download or print copies of any and all materials on the Website for personal use. None of the information on this Website may be copied, distributed or transmitted in any way for commercial use without Trust-IT Services written consent. For any materials downloaded from this Website, source and references must be acknowledged.

3. Liability

The material on this Website is provided for general information only. Trust-IT Services makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any materials and information incorporated thereto and contained on this website. Trust-IT Services has a policy of continuous improvement of its communication and reserves the right to make improvements or changes to the online content without notice.

The use of the material (or any information incorporated thereto), in whole or in part, contained in this Website is the user’s sole responsibility. Trust-IT Services disclaims any liability for any damages whatsoever including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental and/or consequential damages resulting from access to the website and use of the materials provided therein.

Trust-IT Services makes no representations about websites accessed through this Website which are not maintained, controlled or created by Trust-IT Services. Trust-IT Services does not endorse these sites and is not responsible for their content.